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Because of the number of investment options open to them, hedge funds have an element of risk that is not present to the same degree in many other investments. For example, a position and its size is dependent on the decision of the manager at any particular time. With the use of leverage, short selling and derivatives, the penalty for bad judgment is therefore magnified.
Rosseau Asset Management has taken every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this site but does not warrant its completeness or accuracy. This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument.
Furthermore, this site should not be referenced for investment or legal advice. Rosseau Asset Management asserts that each reader is solely liable for their interpretation and use of any information contained within these pages. Investors interested in investing in hedge funds are urged to seek professional advice and to perform extensive due diligence on funds prior to investing. As with any investment, hedge fund investors are subject to a risk of loss.